Types of Play Therapy
When working with children and adolescents in the Central Florida area, I utilize a lot of play therapy techniques. Play therapy is an effective tool when working with younger populations because it is the developmentally appropriate way to communicate with children. Parents are often involved in the counseling process when working with children, and are informed of the various topics that are being addressed in counseling.

- Art and drawing
- Music and movement
- Puppets and stuffed animals
- Cards and board games
- Sand tray
- Other arts and crafts activities
Why does Play Therapy work?
Play is an easy way to relate to children and allows them to feel safe in a non-threatening way. Play comes naturally for children so this allows them to express their thoughts and feelings in an indirect way. Children often process events that happen in their lives through play themes, including relationships with friends and family, personal beliefs, and other difficult situations.
Play therapy has been known to effectively treat various concerns, including
- Anger management
- Grief and loss
- Divorce or family changes
- Trauma
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Autism and other neurodivergent disorders
I am a Certified AutPlay Provider as well. AutPlay Therapy is a neurodiversity affirming framework for implementing play therapy to address the mental health needs of neurodivergent children and their families.

To learn more about play therapy, please contact me at
321-541-0252 or caitlin@mcdonaldcounseling.com