Is Telecounseling Right for You?

You may be wondering what is Telecounseling or Distance Counseling? Would it help me? This term has become much more popular in recent weeks, but this is not a new way of providing mental health services to individuals. Telecounseling is best described as mental health counseling without the commute. You get all the amazing benefits of working with a licensed mental health provider without having to travel or interrupt your daily routine. I have seen how this method of providing mental health treatment can help reach individuals with busy schedules, who work multiple jobs, have to juggle work and family life, or who do not have access to stable transportation. Telecounseling can reach these individuals who might not otherwise be able to seek treatment. This modality allows for flexibility in scheduling sessions, ease in continuing services during travel, more efficient, and increased comfortability in your own home.

The challenges for telecounseling include technological issues or potential breaches. However, most providers utilize HIPAA compliant software that lowers that risk substantially. In my opinion, the benefits of telecounseling far outweigh the risks. I see this modality being utilized by many more providers in many more industries as we move into a more and more technology based world.

For more information regarding telecounseling, visit or

If you have any questions about telecounseling and if this would be a good fit for you, please reach out!

Family Conflict

All families have faced conflict or adversity, some maybe more extreme than others. Many common challenges that families face include discipline strategies, ways of managing behaviors, effective communication among family members, and appropriate use of technology. Parents may differ in their views in many areas when it comes to raising children, but this does not have to become a barrier to being an effective parent. Children and adolescents need to feel listened to, supported, and accepted by their parents, and this can be achieved in many different ways. One of the easiest forms include simply validating how your child or adolescent is feeling. This does not always mean that you agree with their behaviors or choices, but it helps them to feel supported by you and that they can trust you. As children mature and continue to develop many of the social and emotional skills, you will see how your parenting strategies will also have to change. Children at times need more structure and direction, and other times can be allowed more freedom to explore their world on their own. This is the joy yet challenge with parenting: there is not one right way to be a parent!!

In counseling, I help families work on their ability to effectively communicate their thoughts and feelings with one another, without assigning blame to one member in particular. I find that this is paramount to overcoming most challenges families face, and it is a skill that can be used in any relationship. When families are facing a significant crisis, I hope to provide them with a supportive and safe environment to express their immediate concerns while repairing or rebuilding relationships that my have been damaged among the way.

If you would like more information about how I can help or support your family through a challenge, please reach out!