Our youth is faced with so many barriers and challenges today compared to the past. Children face traumatic situations on a regular basis and the effects of trauma has been shown to have devastating affects on their development. Trauma is defined as a real or perceived threat that is so emotionally painful that they are unable to cope with the event. The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE’s) study researched 10 common traumatic events and how they impacted the mental, emotional, and physical health of individuals as adults. The results are astounding: higher rates of mental illness, substance use, medical problems, and shorter life expectancy.

Trauma is being screened for earlier in our youth today, and this is the great news. The earlier these signs and symptoms are being pinpointed, the better treatment and support can be provided to that child and their family. Trauma impacts children in many different ways, and this can often be disguised as other problems: medical issues, lack of motivation and focus, behavior difficulties, poor peer relationships, etc. If a child has experienced a traumatic event then counseling could be a great support and outlet to process their thoughts and feelings. Utilizing play therapy and expressive arts is very beneficial for children who are trying to process a traumatic event because it is less threatening.
For more information about the ACE’s study, visit https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/childabuseandneglect/acestudy/index.html
If your child has experienced something traumatic, please reach out for more information or guidance.